Principles for a Software Engineering Manager and Leader to Live By 🏆

Leader's Principles 🏆

To be Remembered (for you, as EM/Team Lead) 👇


Principle Reasoning
respect is earned, not given dont expect that if you are manager, you are automatically respected
principles are more important than process[1] adding processes is easy, removing (or simplifying) processes is the hard part, teach your team principles to help them do right decisions, rather than adding processes to slow things down
focus on what you can give to people, not what you can get from them you are there for your team, not the other way around
your only job is to improve people's lives (yours and those around you)
don't act helpless, that makes you helpless [2] if you act helpless, that makes you helpless, and if you are helpless, why are you leader at all?
Give missions over instructions and trust the team
be vulnerable, but don't ever loose your cool [3] if somebody confronts you, dont get mad/angry... if you dont know what to say, respond with "i will think about it, and get back to you"
be kind, but not nice and know how it differs to be kind, and not just nice [4]

People Growth


Principle Reasoning
care about people, and set them for the success (or at least try to help them to success i what they want[^1 you help them, they help you / they learn from you, you learn from them
dont assume your expectations from your DR are clear for them [ and always share them in written form (and ideally on one single place/document)
regularly practice the keeper test, to help you identify how to grow tour DRs if the your DR comes to you, that he/she wants to quite, would you do eveything in your power to prevent it? if not, you should fire him/her
be honest, but not brutal -> brutal honesty is bullshit do i look fat in these jeans? and answer: I like the other jeans better #communication/feedback
Rather than always providing answers, give your team "tools" to find answers for themself your job is to help the team to come up with solutions to the problem, not to give them solution directly (otherwise they will not learn to be independent
you should not reward outcome, you should reward initiative if you reward the person with huge initiative, you will get even more initiative → this is how to build a culture supporting innovation [5]



Principle Reasoning
don't be afraid to say: I don't know if you appear to have all the answers all the time, team members will never raise their hand for help, staying blocked or making decisions with poorer outcomes! so, lead by example and dont be afraid to say “i dont know”
Never complain to anyone (peers, DRs, Manager) Instead of complaining, build relationships with key decision-makers.
over-communicating is just the right amount [6] (especially important for #remoteculture ) I would rather have my people share too much than share too little. If you think you communicated something 100%, it is probably somewhere around 60%,
empathy over sympathy #^4349494
always assume the other person knows something you don't know [7] It will give you ability to navigate smoothly any hard conversation.
Don't ever lie about anything But if you have to, always include as much fictional detail as possible to make your story seem "trustworthy".

Negotiation & Conflicts


Principle Reasoning
don't seek 100% agreement, make sure 80% is on board[8] the rest should follow #leadership/disagree-and-commit. Remember, if you are doing a change that is 100% agreement, you are most likely not doing enough significant change
Conflicts are always subjective (personal), something like "unbiased" conflict does NOT exist Most conflict happens because people don’t feel heard or don't feel like they have agency to control their world. [9], or because their values were threathened, and now you should ask "which values, and why?" [10]



the best meetings are those, where others do the talking, but you facilitate through intelligent questions Running a meeting with smart people is like prompting an AI well.



Principle Reasoning
if giving feedback, show examples rather than describing the situation for giving feedback, it is critical to communicate expectations clearly, and it is easier with providing examples rather than describing some "imaginary" situation
adhere 5:1 ratio[11] give at least 1 praise to 5 corrective feedback
normalize feedback[12] conflict-avoidant feedback culture degrades the talent bar, and that does not mean you are being kind, and it does NOT set people up for success

Team Management


Principle Reasoning
no bad teams, only bad leaders
bad decisions of team are always caused by not enough context overcommunication do not exists
Their victories are their own, but their failures are yours, and yours alone.



Principle Reasoning
dont hire for the skills, hire for the value (and train for the skills if needed) look for somebody who could be better in your role than you are / which skills the person can teach your team?
hire for bottlenecks, not for opportunities[13] you have to create bottleneck first, in order to justify the hire

Habits of 🔝 Engineering Managers

  1. VIDEO - Product management theater - Marty Cagan (Silicon Valley Product Group) ↩︎

  2. EX - Have Concerns And Commit ↩︎

  3. EX - How To Fix Broken Teams ↩︎

  4. EX - Are you really kind, or are you just being nice (milý vs. laskavý) ↩︎

  5. VIDEO - Why High Performers Might Be Hurting Your Team ↩︎

  6. VIDEO - Good Communication for Engineers ↩︎

  7. 23.01. Communication Index ↩︎

  8. VIDEO - WEBINAR - Effective Engineering Leadership - Marian Kamenistak ↩︎

  9. EX - The highlights – The Manager's Handbook ↩︎

  10. VIDEO - Thinking About Thinking with Brené Brown and Adam Grant - A Bit of Optimism Podcast ↩︎

  11. EX - Startup risks, praise-to-criticism ratio, TPMs 💡 ↩︎

  12. VIDEO - Bending the universe in your favor - Claire Vo ↩︎ ↩︎

  13. EX - Hierarchies, bottlenecks, and high-leverage time💡#^51fab3 ↩︎

  14. VIDEO - How to Run a Remote Big Tech 🏢 — with Farhan Thawar (Shopify) ↩︎

  15. ↩︎